Certified Prevention Specialist CPS Practice Exam 2024 - Free CPS Practice Questions and Study Guide

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One of CSAP's Six Prevention Strategies aims to identify those engaged in drug use to determine if behavior can be reversed through education. What is this strategy?

Information Dissemination

Prevention Education

Problem Identification and Referral

The strategy that focuses on identifying individuals engaged in drug use and determining if their behavior can be reversed through educational initiatives is indeed the one associated with Problem Identification and Referral. This strategy emphasizes the importance of recognizing at-risk individuals and guiding them towards appropriate interventions. It involves assessing the needs of those individuals and referring them to resources that can provide education and support, thereby facilitating behavior change. The other options are related to different aspects of prevention but do not directly address the specific focus on identifying drug use and subsequently addressing it through educational interventions. For example, Information Dissemination primarily deals with providing knowledge and awareness about substance abuse but does not typically involve direct engagement with individuals who are actively using substances. Prevention Education encompasses teaching about the risks and consequences of drug use but, again, does not specifically focus on identifying those already involved in drug use. Internal Assets refer to the personal qualities and strengths individuals possess that can be leveraged for resilience but are not specifically about engaging individuals in problematic behaviors.

Internal Assets


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